Blink Camera Not Detecting Motion? Fix it

Blink cameras are an excellent way to keep your home or business safe and secure. However, sometimes you may encounter an issue with your Blink camera not detecting motion.

This can be frustrating, especially if you're relying on the camera for security purposes. Fortunately, there are several solutions you can try to fix the problem. 

In this article, we'll go through some of the most common causes of Blink camera not detecting motion and how to fix them.

Possible Causes of Blink Camera Not Detecting Motion:

There can be various reasons why your Blink camera is not detecting motion. Some of the most common causes are:

Low Battery: The most common reason for Blink camera not detecting motion is a low battery. When the battery level drops below a certain threshold, the camera may not have enough power to detect motion.

Motion Detection Settings: If the motion detection settings of the Blink camera are not configured properly, it may not detect motion. Make sure the sensitivity settings are correct and the detection zone is properly defined.

Obstructions: If there are any obstructions in front of the camera, such as a tree branch, a wall, or a piece of furniture, it may not detect motion. Make sure there is a clear line of sight between the camera and the area to be monitored.

Interference: Interference from other wireless devices, such as routers, baby monitors, or other cameras, can disrupt the signal between the Blink camera and the hub. This can cause the camera to stop detecting motion. Try moving the camera closer to the hub or removing other wireless devices from the area.

Outdated Firmware: If the firmware of the Blink camera is outdated, it may not function properly, including motion detection. Make sure the camera is running the latest firmware version.

Camera Positioning: The placement of the Blink camera can also affect its ability to detect motion. Make sure the camera is positioned at the right angle and height to capture motion in the desired area.

Environmental Factors: Extreme temperatures, sunlight, and shadows can also affect the ability of the Blink camera to detect motion. Make sure the camera is installed in an area with adequate lighting and temperature control.

Solutions to Fix Blink Camera Not Detecting Motion:

Check the Placement of the Camera: Ensure that the camera is placed at the right angle and height to detect motion. Also, make sure that the camera is not obstructed by any objects.

Adjust the Sensitivity Settings: The motion sensitivity settings may need to be adjusted if the camera is not detecting motion. To do this, go to the camera settings in the Blink app and adjust the sensitivity slider.

Ensure that the Camera is Connected to the Internet: The camera needs to be connected to the internet to detect motion and send alerts. Check that the camera is connected to the Wi-Fi network and that the network is stable.

Check the Battery Level: If the camera is battery-powered, make sure that the battery level is sufficient. Low battery levels can affect the camera's ability to detect motion.

Reset the Camera: Resetting the camera can help fix any software issues that may be causing the problem. To reset the camera, press and hold the button on the back of the camera until the LED light turns off and then back on.

Update the Firmware: Updating the camera's firmware can help fix any software bugs that may be causing the problem. To update the firmware, go to the camera settings in the Blink app and check for updates.

Contact Blink Customer Support: If none of the above solutions work, contact Blink customer support for further assistance. They can help diagnose and fix any hardware issues that may be causing the problem.


If your Blink camera is not detecting motion, it can be frustrating and concerning. However, the problem is usually fixable. Try the solutions listed above to resolve the issue. 

If the problem persists, contact the Blink customer support team for further assistance. With a little troubleshooting, your Blink camera will be back to detecting motion in no time.

  • lay  Published by: Peter
  • lay  Brand: Smart devices
  • lay  Last Update: 1 week ago