Dyson Vacuum Lost Suction? Causes and Fixes

Usually, a clog or filthy filter is to blame when a Dyson vacuum loses suction power. However, there are six primary Dyson vacuum kinds that differ in design. As a result, the procedure for identifying and resolving the cause of diminished suction power will differ depending on the Dyson vacuum model. For instance, only cordless devices are impacted by battery problems.

We have the solution to your issues if the suction power in your Dyson vacuum has been lost. We'll walk you through the causes and solutions for suction troubles in this article. No matter what kind of Dyson vacuum you have, we have the solutions you need!

What Causes Suction Loss in a Dyson Vacuum?

Suction power is one of the important aspects of vacuum cleaners. After all, cleaning will be difficult without sufficient suction power. Even though Dyson vacuums are one of the best currently on the market, some problems can still arise.

Of course, the loss of suction is one of these problems. When it comes to this subject, a few frequent causes can result in a loss of suction.

Reduced suction power can frequently be brought on by obstructions in the hose or any attachments. Suction problems may also be caused by dirty filters or collection bins.

How to Restore Suction When Your Dyson Vacuum Loses It

The sort of vacuum you have will largely determine what you should do if your Dyson Vacuum Lost Suction. Dyson vacuums come in six different categories: robot vacuums, multi-direction vacuums, upright vacuums, canister vacuums, including cordless stick vacuums.

We will first examine typical solutions for Dyson Vacuum Lost Suction. Depending on the model of Dyson vacuum you own, we shall proceed as such. If these simple repairs don't help, we'll look at how to troubleshoot your Dyson vacuum in the section after this one.

Electrical Stick Vacuums

When the suction power on a cordless Dyson vacuum drops, you should inspect the hose and extension wand for obstructions. The filter should also be examined, and washed if necessary. If one of these problems was not the root of the suction power decrease, it might be the battery.

Models without cords need batteries to function. This battery's deterioration over time may potentially cause it to lose suction power. On their official website, you can change the battery in your cordless Dyson if you need to.

Multiple Directional Vacuums

A blockage is frequently to blame for a lack of suction force using Dyson's multi-direction vacuums. You should take out any extras, including the cleaner head and wand extension.

Examine these for obstructions. Check for obstructions at the vacuum's inlet as well. You should also look for any obstructions in the soil container.

Upright Vacuums

If your Dyson upright vacuum is losing suction, checking the filter should be your first line of defence. Before being inserted once more into the vacuum, this can be cleaned and dried.

Canister Vacuums 

You should first inspect the hose as well as extension wand for obstructions if you have a Dyson canister vacuum. If neither of these is clogged, the vacuum itself may be at fault for the loss of suction.

Next, you should examine the vacuum's air filter. Once more, this is washable and dryable. If clearing the air filter does not, therefore, resolve the problem, you should use Dyson's official website to conduct a more thorough investigation.

Handheld Vacuums 

Disconnecting any connections from your portable Dyson vacuum will help you figure out what's causing the low suction power. Evaluate the inlet's suction power with attachments removed. If it's robust, you must inspect the attachments for any obstructions or clogs.

However, you must examine the vacuum itself if the inlet's suction power is inadequate. Remove the filter and dirt bin from the portable vacuum and inspect them for issues. The filter might need to be cleaned. You should use Dyson's support page to conduct additional troubleshooting if you are unable to resolve the problem.

  • lay  Published by: Peter
  • lay  Brand: Smart Devices
  • lay  Last Update: 1 month ago