How can I Extend My Arlo Camera Battery Life?

Most of us already know that Arlo battery-powered cameras are not meant for continuous recording purposes. As the batteries inside the Arlo Pro or Arlo Wire-Free camera last for about four to six months only with normal duration of application. 

Generally, this duration tends to be about five minutes of recordings a day. While the batteries in your Arlo Go camera work and last for about two to three months with normal usage, which simply means five minutes of recordings a day. 

So, just like most of the users, you also might be wondering how to extend my Arlo camera's battery life? Considering this requirement, we bring you a quick post on how to extend the Arlo camera's battery life.

Extend My Arlo Camera Battery Life

For seeking better information, you can follow safety rules for Arlo rechargeable batteries or for Arlo wire free camera batteries.

What are Some Tips Useful to Extend Arlo Camera's Battery Life?

In order to maximize your camera's battery life, you can follow some great tips listed below:

Tip 1: Firstly, make sure that you are using the rechargeable batteries only that were supplied along with the package box or replacement batteries from Arlo brand.

Tip 2: If you are owning Arlo Wire-Free cameras, use only non-rechargeable batteries provided inside your package or non-rechargeable batteries from other high quality, well-known battery manufacturers like Panasonic, Energizer, or Duracell.

Tip 3: Do ensure that your Arlo system is updated with the latest firmware version. These updates happen automatically as cameras are connected to the base station, powered on  and must have 15% battery.  

Tip 4: For optimal results, use the optimized or Best Battery Life power setting for your Arlo camera. Making a perfect balance of settings is required so that it doesn’t affect the battery life.

Tip 5: You can also configure the settings of your cameras to record shorter videos.

Tip 6: Always place your Arlo Wire-Free or Arlo Pro Wire-Free camera at a maximum distance of 300 feet (90 meters) from the base station point.

Tip 7: Make sure to place your Arlo Go camera in a location which is covering at least three bars of LTE signal strength. Generally, your Arlo Go camera utilizes  the mobile network in order to connect to the Arlo cloud.

Tip 8: Never position your Arlo system near multiple WiFi routers as this might affect its connectivity.

Extend My Arlo Camera Battery Life

So, after learning all these above tips, you should well know how to extend my Arlo camera's battery life.

While there are few environmental factors which can adversely shorten the battery life. Here's given.

  • Never place your Arlo camera in temperatures below 32°F (0°C).
  • Do not place your cameras in low-light environments which require infrared sensors for focusing and working harder.

Note: In some cases, the batteries of the Arlo camera are reporting low power in cold weather times. To troubleshoot, bring the camera back to the room temperature. Thereafter, power cycle the camera once by opening and closing the battery shell while the camera is not plugged in.

Hope this blog provides an appropriate answer to your query "How to extend my Arlo camera's battery life.


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How do I Integrate Arlo Cameras into the Wink App?

How do I Position My Arlo Wire-Free Camera?

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