How Can I Use Blink Camera with a Wireless Extender?

The coverage of your Blink camera can be extended using a wireless extender which ultimately requires you to pair your range extender with the primary router. The moment you install the extender and complete its setup you can easily use Blink camera with a wireless extender. Please note that the network signal will automatically become visible with the suffix “_EXT” after the name of your primary Wi-Fi.

In case you rename the extender as the same one you have for your primary Wi-Fi network, only one Wi-Fi network will be reflected with the common name. What is also noteworthy here is that your Blink camera can be paired with only one Wi-Fi signal in case you have multiple Wi-Fi signals on stream.

Are you unsatisfied with the performance of your security camera? Yes, we are talking about your Blink camera which generally requires a strong network range for its effective working. So, in order to improve the security levels, you can use Blink camera range extender. 

Once your Wi-Fi extender setup is completed, you will automatically find the extender signals appearing in your Wi-Fi settings. Here, you need to note that the network is shown with its own Wi-Fi name and password. Usually, the extended Wi-Fi signal will name itself for your application. Just as an example your “Home Wi-Fi” becomes “Home Wi-Fi_EXT” in the network list.

Additionally, the Blink camera system can only be connected to one Wi-Fi signal at a single time. This straightaway means that the cameras cannot connect and use both signals “Home Wi-Fi” and “Home Wi-Fi_EXT” at the same instant. Optionally, you have the other way to use Blink camera with a wireless extender. 

You are required to change the Wi-Fi extender's signal name and password to the exact same Wi-Fi name and password as your normal network (or main Wi-Fi router). For an example, change “Home Wi-Fi_EXT” to just “Home Wi-Fi” for convenience and reduced complexity.

Use Blink Camera with a Wireless Extender

Subsequently, your Blink system will now see both the extender and the main router as one big Wi-Fi network instead of two different networks having two different naming conventions. So, this is not all to use Blink camera with a wireless extender. You just need to continue reading this article.

Furthermore, to change the name of your extended signal, you will have to first access the Blink WiFi extender settings.

In case you are unsure about how to access the settings for your extender, you may even refer to the user instruction guide that came along with your device. Else, if you don't own or have a user guide, you can simply contact the manufacturer of the range extender for any required help.

So your extended Wi-Fi signal has been successfully renamed exactly to match your main Wi-Fi signal. Consequently, the extender will list down as only one Wi-Fi network in both your phone’s Wi-Fi settings and within the Blink app as well.

blink camera wifi extender

Do remember that your range extender should also be protected using the same exact Wi-Fi password as the one you have used for your home network/main router (if that is password protected). But if not, then you can leave the extended signal unprotected as the main router.

Apart from all this, if you are still getting or experiencing low signal strength from your cameras, simply try power cycling your Sync Module. This can be done by removing it from power for 30 seconds then plugging it back again. As both the lights have stopped flashing and become solid again, then try using the cameras and checking their signal strength. Hope the idea to use Blink camera with a wireless extender greatly works.

Now, there is another important thing to note and is recommended while you are wanting to expand the Wi-Fi signal strength for your Blink cameras. However, if you are not having any kind of issues with your Wi-Fi signal strength to cameras, then you need not use Blink camera with a wireless extender setup.

Unfortunately, not everyone is successful in using a Blink camera with a wireless extender. As these Wi-Fi repeaters come at the cost of reducing your WiFi network efficiency. Actually, they tend to send/receive the signals twice. So, the Wi-Fi consumption grows leading to drop-outs and slowed performance.

Although, there are some new Wi-Fi extenders that offer a separate radio frequency for the router connection. They are probably expensive but come with a high output performance. 

Use Blink Camera with a Wireless Extender

What is a Sync Module?

Generally, a Sync Module forms an integral part of every Blink system and is much required for any type of Blink device to remain online. However, it has to stay plugged in to a power supply and connected to an active 2.4 Ghz WiFi-based internet connection at all times.

Having more queries or sorts of trouble then follow the same above procedure again or directly contact us for more help.

So that's all about the basic guide to use Blink camera with a wireless extender.


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  • lay  Published by: Jorg
  • lay  Brand: Smart Devices
  • lay  Last Update: 2 months ago