The August Smart Lock Pro is a security-enabled Z-Wave Plus product designed to communicate with other security enabled Z-Wave Plus products using encrypted Z-Wave Plus messages. This smart Lock Pro is used with the Security Enabled Z-Wave Controller which is recommended to use over another device.
It is easy to exclude your August Smart Lock Pro by activating the lock into its Z-Wave exclusion mode using and accessing the August Home App. Further, you have to put the Z-Wave controller into its exclusion mode in order to clear the lock from the network. Once the network is cleared, you can then pair the lock with a new Z-Wave network.
On opening the Z-Wave Settings Menu in the August Home App, there is an option provided to exclude your smart lock from the Z-Wave network. So let us first assume that the smart lock is actively paired with the Z-Wave network.
In case, if it is not paired with a Z-Wave network, there are options to pair and include the lock with the network. You have to follow a different guide to pair your lock with a network.
Whenever you pair a lock, it is assumed that you will access the Z-Wave hub or controller. For cases, you are unable to access to the Z-Wave hub or controller, simply perform a Z-Wave factory reset. A Z-Wave factory reset is only recommended when the hub is inaccessible or inoperable.
To perform a Z-Wave factory reset off-site, you an August Connect WiFi Bridge. When you wish to exclude the lock, it has to be always on-site. You might be thinking why? The fact says that most of the Z-Wave hubs need to be on-site for putting them into their Z-Wave exclusionary modes.
Though the August Smart Pro Lock can be remotely controlled using the August Connect WiFi Bridge, it is good practice to put your Z-Wave controller into its exclusion mode.
Ensure that you have enabled Bluetooth on your Android or iOS device.
The device you will use to control the smart lock via the app should be in close proximity with the lock. This is so because Bluetooth signals do not cover far distances.
Moreover, the smart lock should be near to the Z-Wave controller during the exclusion process.
Initially let us assume that you are accessing the August Home App on your Android or iOS device. Also, your August Smart Lock Pro is currently paired to your local Z-Wave network. It is also assumed that you are executing the on-site process using a local Bluetooth connection.
Keeping in Mind About the Following Assumptions, Quickly Kick Start the Steps to Exclude your August Smart Lock Pro.
As already discussed, you can control the August smart lock through the August Home App on your Android or iOS device. Make sure that the Bluetooth setting has been enabled for the device and it is placed in the closeness with the lock. Select Z-Wave Settings inside the Lock Settings.
A screen should be displayed with a message that says "Your lock is connected to a Z-Wave hub." Now, press the Remove Z-Wave Device button shown at the bottom of the app screen.
The next screen will flash a message reading "Please put your Z-Wave hub in Exclusion Mode before continuing." Now, if you have access to your Z-Wave hub, then proceed with Step 2. Else, you can leave the August Home App on this screen. Later in Step 3, you have to press the blue text as "My Hub Is In Exclusion Mode".
For a case, you are unable to access your Z-Wave hub, then straight away perform a Z-Wave factory reset. Tap on the grey text at the very bottom screen reading as "My Hub Is No Longer Working." By selecting this option, you will be send to another screen where you can perform a Z-Wave reset. The process of performing a Z-Wave factory reset is the last point.
Using the app through your device, you can put your Z-Wave controller into its Z-Wave exclusion mode. The process of exclusion depends upon the type of device you are using. If you are using an alarm system, there is an automation menu with an option for excluding devices.
Additionally, you can find the button for including and excluding lock over the physical Z-Wave controller. For detailed information about your Z-Wave controller, check its user manual.
Press the blue text button given as"My Hub Is In Exclusion Mode" on the August Home App when your Z-Wave hub in its exclusion mode. This immediately sends a signal to the Z-Wave hub for excluding the lock.
Ensure the August smart lock should be in close proximity with the Z-Wave hub so that the Z-Wave hub should recognize this app generated signal and clears the lock from the network. Once the lock is excluded, you can pair it up with a new Z-Wave network if necessary.
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