How do I Measure the Voltage of My Arlo Doorbell Transformer?

It is crucial for a user to check the voltage level of their doorbell transformer prior to installing the power kit for your Arlo video doorbell or before hardwiring the Arlo video doorbell wire-free.

In case the transformer is not receiving the needed voltage, then you should upgrade the transformer before using the Arlo doorbell.

Required voltage

  • Your wired Arlo Essential Video Doorbell's transformer needs at least 16-24V AC as required voltage.
  • Your Essential Arlo Video Doorbell wire-free needs at least 8-24V AC as required voltage.

Check the Voltage Level of the Voltage Transformer?

Try any of the 3 methods given below to check the voltage level of your Arlo doorbell transformer.

  • Test the voltage using a multimeter. With the help of a multimeter, you will get the best estimate of the voltage of your doorbell's transformer. Go to the next section to get detailed instructions about how to use the multimeter for checking voltage.
  • See if the voltage is printed on the transformer. Usually, the estimated voltage is written on the transformer of your doorbell. It is not as accurate as the estimation given by the multimeter but gives you a fair idea.
  • Use the Arlo application for installing the doorbell and check if it is working with the transformer or not.

How to Check the Voltage Level Using a Multimeter?

Measure the Voltage of My Arlo Doorbell Transformer

A multimeter is a tool that measures an accurate voltage of an object. Below are the steps that you need to perform to check the voltage level of a doorbell using a multimeter.

Step 1: Disconnect the present Arlo doorbell from the power source. Please ensure that the wires from the Arlo doorbell don't go inside the wall.

Step 2: Change your multimeter's knob to AC.

Step 3: Connect the probes from the multimeter to your doorbell.

Step 4: Check the voltage level on the display screen of your multimeter. In case the voltage level is meeting the voltage requirement, then use the Arlo doorbell with the present doorbell transformer.

Find the Arlo Doorbell Transformer and Check the Voltage

Measure the Voltage of My Arlo Doorbell Transformer

A transformer is a device that sends the right amount of power to an Arlo doorbell. You can keep your transformer at any place in your house. If you are using a multimeter to check the voltage of your Arlo doorbell transformer, then you are not required to search for a transformer.

Check the voltage of your Arlo doorbell transformer through the wires connected to your present Arlo doorbell device.

Below are some common places where you can find a transformer

  • Wall close to your present doorbell
  • In the attic or basement
  • Near the furnace of your house
  • In the garage
  • Crawl space below your house
  • Front closet

It is important to turn off the power prior to accessing the transformer. If you are in some kind of doubt, then you must talk to an electrician. When you are done locating the transformer, you need to see if there are any markings, which indicate power rating and voltage.

You can also get to know the technical specifications of the transformer by going to the main website of the manufacturer.

  • lay  Published by: Blaze
  • lay  Brand: Arlo Doorbell
  • lay  Last Update: 1 month ago