How To Change Payment Method on Alexa?

Amazon's Alexa-enabled devices offer various convenient features, including the ability to make purchases and payments using voice commands. However, managing your payment methods on Alexa may become necessary due to changing preferences. 

Whether you're updating your payment information or adding a new payment method altogether, exploring the settings to change your payment details on Alexa is simple. By following certain simple steps, you can change your payment method on Alexa.

So, are you wondering how to change the payment method on Alexa? Well then, in this blog, we’ll guide you with some quick and easy steps that will help you change your payment method easily and quickly.

Methods To Change Payment Method on Alexa

The following are the methods to solve update Alexa payment method issues. The below methods are very easy to use.

Method 1:- For Non-Agency Alexa Account

Now let’s begin the process of modifying the payment information on Alexa. Just follow the below given step-by-step instructions and resolve your Alexa payment method problem issue.

Step 1: Sign in to your Alexa Pro Account with the help of your login conditional.

how to set up payment method on alexa app

Step 2: Navigate to the option of the ‘Update Payment Information’ link and open it which will take you to a new tab. Hit enter on the Change button.

how to update payment on alexa app

Step 3: Now fill in the necessary information like credit card details or name etc. That you want to modify.

how to add payment method on alexa app

Step 4: Hit enters on the ‘Save’ button to save settings that you’ve changed.

Method 2:- For Agency Alexa Account

If you’ve signed up for Alexa Pro as an Agency then for this to change payment information follow the below-given easy step-by-step guides.

Step 1: Open”  this link into any of the web browsers. Login with your Alexa Agency account credentials.

how to change credit card on alexa app

Step 2: Tap on the Pencil icon (placed at the right upper corner) to update the payment methods of your account.

how to add a payment method on alexa app

Step 3: Modify the information that you want to be changed for the subscription. After that hit theUpdate’ button to save the settings that you have changed.

change alexa payment method

Hence you have successfully solved your issue with the Change Payment Method on Alexa.

Method 3:- Change Alexa Payment Method

You can modify your non-Agency account's payment information with the help of following an easy instruction guide:

  • Navigate to Your Payment Information page.
  • Sign in with the same account you used to sign up for Alexa Pro.
  • Select the Update Payment Information link that appeared on the screen.
  • Press enter on the 'Change' button.
  • Enter your updated payment information which you wanted to.
  • Press on the Save button.

Method 4:- Add Payment Method on Alexa App

You can change your Agency account's payment information with the following steps:


  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your Agency account credentials.
  3. Select the pencil icon to edit your current payment information.
  4. Enter new information.
  5. Press enter on the 'Update' button available on the screen.

What is and for what it’s Used for?

It’s a short and simple brief about, Its a website rank-measuring platform that helps website owners and agencies to track down their website ranking and improve it with the help of Alexa SEO Tools.

What Payment Gateway does Alexa Accept?

Alexa currently accepts these payment methods:

  • Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Diner's Club, Discover) 
  • Paypal

How do We Get an Invoice for my Subscription Payment?

To get an invoice for a non-Agency subscription payment with these steps:

  • Sign in Payment History.
  • Click on the Invoice link available next to the payment.
  • You can have an invoice for an Agency subscription payment with these following steps:
  • Log in to
  • Go to
  • Click the PDF option available next to the invoice you are interested in. 
  • Note:- the first time when you load the payment page it might take several seconds for the PDF links to appear.


Above in this blog, we had a brief discussion about Alexa. We have discussed various important facts about it. I have also provided you a technique to Change the Payment Method on Alexa. The best part about the above methods is that the method is very easy to use and can be used by novice users. It does not require any technical knowledge.


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  • lay  Published by: Jorg
  • lay  Brand: Amazon Alexa
  • lay  Last Update: 3 months ago