How to Connect Nintendo Wii to WiFi?

If you connect your Nintendo Wii to Wi-Fi, then it can help you in accessing the internet from Wii only without depending on wired connectivity. You can connect Wii to a local wireless network if you know the passphrase of the network.

How to Connect Wii to WiFi?

Step 1: Turn on your Nintendo Wii and press the A button on your remote. This will open up the main menu of the Wii.

How to Connect Nintendo Wii to WiFi

Step 2: Choose the Wii button given at the lower-left vertex of your screen and then choose Wii settings.

Connect Nintendo Wii to WiFi

Step 3: Go to the arrow appearing on your screen's right side and select it. This will open up the Wii system settings.

Connect Nintendo Wii to WiFi

Step 4: Go to the internet and then select connection settings.

Connect Nintendo Wii to WiFi

Step 5: Choose any empty connection slot. In case all the slots are occupied, then choose the slot that you wish to be cleared. After that, select "Clear Settings". Your Wii will not get connected to Wi-Fi unless an empty connection slot is used.

Connect Nintendo Wii to WiFi

Step 6: Choose the wireless connection and then choose the option of "Search for an access point."

How to Connect Nintendo Wii to WiFi

Step 7: Choose Ok and then your Wii will scan all the wireless networks around you. After that, show the list of networks on the screen.

How to Connect Nintendo Wii to WiFi

Step 8: Select the network that you wish to connect to and then enter the security password. In case you don't know what the security password is, then try to get in touch with the network administrator and then enter the password on your router. You can also contact the router manufacturer to get to know the default password.

How to Connect Nintendo Wii to WiFi

Step 9: Select Ok thrice in a row as you see every prompt. This will save the settings of your wireless network and then check internet connectivity.

How to Connect Nintendo Wii to WiFi

Step 10: Tap on Yes when a message appears on your Wii stating successful connection test. Now your Wii will get connected to the chosen wireless network.

How to Connect Nintendo Wii to WiFi

So these are the steps that you need to follow in order to connect your Nintendo Wii to WiFi.

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