How to Connect Ring Video Doorbell Directly to a Low Voltage Transformer?

In case you want to charge your battery directly by connecting it to your Ring Video Doorbell to a transformer, and then try to avoid it. If you don’t have an existing doorbell then the above is possible.

The Below Step by Step Guide will Help You to Connect Ring Doorbell Directly to a Low Voltage Transformer.

Step 1: You can connect your Ring Doorbell to an AC transformer. DC is not supported.

low voltage Ring doorbell

Step 2: You need a dense knowledge of wiring and soldering to connect your Ring Video Doorbell to an AC transformer.

low voltage transformer for ring doorbell

Step 3: Try using an in-built rechargeable battery to your Video Doorbell or maybe try to consult a professional electrician for assistance if you are not well with wiring diagrams or hooking up wires in the place.

ring doorbell low voltage transformer

Step 4: Wires should be soldered onto the resistor and a wire clip can be used on the other end.

Step 5: You got to purchase an electronic resistor additional to the equipment included in your Ring Video Doorbell Box.

Step 6: For the alternate configuration to work successfully, you will be required a resistor in place of a mechanical or electronic doorbell kit.

Caution: If you hook up a Ring Video Doorbell directly to an AC transformer without either a resistor or an internal chime, there is a serious fire risk.

In order to Connect Ring Video Doorbell Directly to a Low Voltage Transformer, you should know some features about the Ring Video Doorbell.

  • Connect your Ring bell with Alexa then modify announcements to be alerted once your bell is ironed or motion is detected. Discuss with guests through compatible Echo devices by voice communication “Alexa, talk to the front door”.
  • Let’s you see, hear and speak to guests from your phone, pill and computer
  • Sends alerts as before long as motion is detected or once guests press the bell.
  • Works on any home, with or while not existing bell wires
  • Monitors your aim HD video with infrared night-sight
  • Let’s your arrive on your property at any time with Live read on-demand video
  • Watch over your aim optical lens 720HD video, and shield your property round the clock with infrared night-sight.
  • Get alerts on your phone, pill, and computer once anyone presses your bell or triggers the built in motion sensors.
  • Hear and speak to individuals at your door from your mobile device with Ring’s built-in mike and speakers.
  • Check-in on your property with a press of a button, and use Live read to urge on-demand video and audio anytime.
  • Link all of your Ring devices to the Ring app and manage your entire home security from one easy-to-use dashboard.

How to Physically Install Ring Video Doorbell without an Existing Doorbell?

ring doorbell transformer voltage

1. Set up the Mounting Bracket

  1. Click on the level tool in the Mounting Bracket
  2. At the chest height, set up the Mounting Bracket next to your door
  3. Now using the level tool, level up the Mounting Bracket
  4. Last you have to do is mark the positions of the mounting holes with a pencil (you can mark them, in both inches as well as millimeters)

ring doorbell voltage

2. Mark the positions using a drill to drill holes

It may depend on what surface you are drilling the holes will tell you to use either anchors or screws accordingly.
3. Place your Ring Video Doorbell on the Mounting Bracket

ring doorbell voltage transformer

Place your Ring Video Doorbell on the Mounting Bracket with a little force and carefully.
4. At last Check and tighten all the security screws and you are done.

We hope the above article helped you to Connect Your Ring Video Doorbell Directly to a Low Voltage Transformer.

  • lay  Published by: Blaze
  • lay  Brand: Ring Doorbell
  • lay  Last Update: 2 months ago