How to Fix Amazon Prime Video Error Code 9345?

The error number 9345, which is connected to a problem with their payment method, is one of the most prevalent mistakes in the streaming platform. The Amazon Prime Video error number 9345 merely indicates a problem with the presently associated payment method, which resulted in the payment failing. If you've run into this problem, see the solutions below to learn how to repair it.

Ongoing AWS difficulties — In the past, when the whole Amazon Web Services infrastructure was down, there was a big spike in this error code. If this is the cause of your problems, there is little you can do but confirm the problem and wait for the developers responsible to repair it.

Amazon Prime Video Error Code 9345

If you're on a restricted plan or your ISP is presently experiencing technical difficulties, you'll notice this error number because your current connection isn't strong enough to handle streaming from Amazon Prime Video. You may either test your current connection and reduce your bandwidth demand or upgrade your current bandwidth plan in this instance.

Payment Plan Issues - This error number might also be caused by a payment issue.

If an irritating error code appears while viewing a video, movie, or show, you may become annoyed. When streaming content on Amazon Prime, some customers are seeing Error Code 9345.

Fortunately, there are a few options for resolving this mistake, and these options are listed below to assist you. First and foremost, you should understand what this error number means and why it appears on your computer.

Restart your Amazon Prime Video App as a Second Option.

A simple restart will refresh your program and remove any damaged data that may be causing the problem. Wait at least 30 seconds after closing your app. Now launch your app to see whether the problem is still present.

Amazon Prime Video Error Code 9345

Restart Your Devices.

  • Unplug your modem and router and turn off your device.
  • Reconnect your modem after waiting at least 1 minute.
  • Allow for a complete restart. Do the same thing with your router.
  • Start by turning on your device and opening the Amazon Prime Video app.

Make Sure Your Amazon Prime Video App is up to Date.

Amazon Prime Video Error Code 9345

It's possible that you've overlooked critical app updates. Search for the Amazon Prime Video app in the App Store or Play Store. Check for updates and install them if they are available. It could help you repair the problem with your app.

That concludes our discussion. You can go through the solutions one by one to check if one of these mistakes might help you fix the problem. Some people claim that the first approach cured the problem.


Which of the following solutions did you use to resolve the Amazon Prime Video error? Please let us know in the comments section below.

  • lay  Published by: Peter
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  • lay  Last Update: 2 months ago