How To Fix Sound Problems With Chromecast?

Google’s Chromecast is one of the best entertainment means to check out our favorite movies, TV shows, and other content through your phone, tablet, or laptop. Instead of handling a remote and an interface on your television, Chromecast conveniently allows you to beam content directly from your device through the web via some Android or iOS) applications. 

The application may be Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, and Google Play Movies. Since everything you play is direct from your phone, you don’t have to invest time in dealing with menu systems and other services that are difficult to navigate. 

Consider that you recently picked up a Chromecast but you are facing sound problems while plugging to your favorite shows and movies. So, how to fix sound problems with Chromecast and get rid of such a frustrating experience. What's the point if you are unable to hear what’s going on. Therefore, not to stress as this guide will help you to fix sound problems with Chromecast. 

Check Your Television Settings

The first thing to start is with some basic sound solutions. If you are troubled with technology, then fundamental knowledge will help you to kick off troubleshooting things. In short, it will save your day. 

Firstly, ensure whether the sound issue belongs to your television or not. For this, you can check the volume levels and test a different device for sound output (like a game console or cable box). Additionally, make sure that you have enabled the speakers in your television, and the audio output is set to ‘fixed’. While most of the modern televisions come with a built-in option that disables the television speakers in order to use a home theater or surround sound system. 

Similarly, you can turn off and unplug your television for a few minutes. Furthermore, you can reset its factory settings from the settings menu. If you are using a stereo system to power the audio level of your home theater, check that your audio system should be functioning. Following the check with your television, try switching your Chromecast to a different HDMI port.

Few more points you need to consider to fix sound problems with Chromecast are:

  • Ensure that your Chromecast is plugged into a fully-functioning USB port, and is operating on sufficient power.
  • Your Chromecast should be using a MicroUSB cable. So, do not use the TV’s built-in USB port that won’t make it work.
  • The 4K-supported Chromecast Ultra connects using a dedicated AC adapter, which means that you need a different outlet in order to function properly.

Troubleshoot Your Chromecast

Once you made sure that your device is provided with enough power to function properly, also try to restart your device to shake up any potential bugs. To do this, follow the given steps: 

  1. Launch the Google Home app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on the Devices button present at the top right corner of your screen. Here, you will see the current available list of Chromecast devices on your network.
  3. Now, choose your device.
  4. Next, tap the three-dotted icon shown at the top right of your screen. Thereafter, select Settings.
  5. Then, tap on More and view additional settings.
  6. Next, tap on Reboot option.

Following these steps, you can reboot your Chromecast. This can probably fix sound problems with Chromecast and other visual issues also. Optionally, you can simply unplug the device from its power source, further forcing a reset. If you are still getting sound issues with your device, ensure that the volume on your phone is turned up for Chromecast. 

Though you have a remote control to manage the volume of your Chromecast streams, you also have the volume control via your mobile device. Just ensure that you have some kind of content playing either through your phone or tablet on Chromecast. With your devices, you can use the volume rocker to boost the volume normally.

Alternatively, you can stop and restart the stream from your mobile device. Still, if you are experiencing sound problems from the application, simply restart the stream. Subsequently, this action will force the Chromecast to reload the URL from where it’s accessing the video or audio feed. Also, you can forcefully shut down the application on your device to check if the problem is coming from the app or from the connection between the app and Chromecast. 

Are You Still Unable to Fix Sound Problems with Chromecast?

The last way to fix sound problems with Chromecast is to attempt a factory reset for your device. This can be done through the Google Home app as already discussed. As you confirm your selection, you’ll be asked to reset your device with preferences to test the audio again.

Hope this guide to fix sound problems with Chromecast is helpful to the users.

  • lay  Published by: Blaze
  • lay  Brand: Smart Devices
  • lay  Last Update: 3 months ago