How to Increase Xbox One Download Speed?

Xbox One is without a doubt one of the most amazing consoles out there in the market today. The consoles owned by Microsoft have many interesting titles which can be used for several things other than gaming. You can do multiple things such as stream content online, look at images, watch movies, and surf on the internet. 

In order to be able to do all these things, you need to have an internet connection. Also, if you want to stream 4k content or play games online, then the network connection needs to be excellent. Here are the different methods that you can apply in order to increase the download speed of your Xbox One. 

How to Increase Xbox One Download Speed?

Mentioned below are some of the methods that you can apply in order to improve Xbox One's downloading speed. 

Method 1: Close the Background Aapps and Games

Step 1: Press the button of Xbox. This will take you to the home screen and all the apps and games running in the background will be suspended. 

Step 2: Go to the games or apps, which are running and then select all of them.

Step 3: Select the button of Menu. The button that has 3 horizontal lines on it. 

Step 4: Select the option of Quit.

Closing the apps in the background will increase your download speed as well as upload speed. 

Method 2: Restart Downloads

Step 1: Go to the Home Screen and then select the option of My games and apps. 

Step 2: Click on the option of Queued.

Step 3: Click on an active download.

Step 4: After that, press the button of Menu.

Step 5: Now, click on Cancel. 

Step 6: Select the button of Xbox. 

Step 7: After that, go to the Store tab.

Step 8: Then, move to the game or app.

Step 9: Click on the option of install. 

The download procedure will begin. 

Method 3: Restart Your Xbox

Step 1: Press the button of Xbox.

Step 2: After that, click on the gear-shaped icon. 

Step 3: Click on the option of Restart Console. 

Now, the Xbox is going to boot with new network settings. If this solution does not work out for you, then restarting the downloads may work. 

Method 4: Use a Wired Connection

It does not matter how amazing your router is, a wired connection offers better speed and stability in comparison to a wireless network. 

If you follow these methods, you will easily be able to increase the download speed on your Xbox One. However, keep in mind that the download speed is mainly dependent on the internet service provider.

  • lay  Published by: Blaze
  • lay  Brand: Smart Devices
  • lay  Last Update: 2 months ago