How to Make Alexa Call 911?

The user cannot directly make an Alexa call as some regulatory compliance come in between. But, the user can use an Amazon Echo Connect device to the existing landline or VoIP service for calling 911 using Alexa.

In this article, you will be guided about the factors that allow to make Alexa call 911 & introduce some Alexa skills that help in establishing connections with help in an emergency for several electronic devices like –

  • Amazon Echo
  • Echo Plus
  • Echo Show
  • Echo Spot &
  • Echo Dot devices

Make Alexa Call 911

There are various mediums through which you can make Alexa Call 911. You can do that through-

  • Amazon Echo Connect &
  • Amazon Press Center

By utilizing the Alexa Calling feature, the owners of Amazon Echo can easily manage to make phone calls that move from device to device & even from phone to device. But, in this calling feature, you cannot make phone calls to 911.

Amazon Echo Connect

Now, let us come to Amazon Echo Connect. It is a separate accessory that helps in establishing a connection of the Echo device to the existing landline. Also, the connection of the Echo device can be established to the VoIP home phone service.

When the setup of Echo Connect is done, then the Alexa-enabled devices generally transform into comfortable & hands-free speakerphones. Further, Amazon Echo Connect does not provide the facility of making phone calls using mobile phone service.

How to Make Alexa Call 911

Echo Connect shows stupendous connectivity with the below mentioned Alexa devices:

  • Echo (1ST & 2ND generation)
  • Echo Dot (1st & 2nd generation)
  • Echo Plus
  • Echo Show
  • Echo Spot

For logging in to on a computer, you will require an Echo device & existing landline or VoIP home phone service. In addition to the Echo device, if you use the Echo Connect, then you will possess the ability to give commands which will help you in connecting your Alexa with local emergency services.

These services are mentioned below-

  • Alexa Skills for Emergency Help
  • Amazon Echo Dot placed on a stack of books
  • Andres Urena/Pexels

If you have the preference of not adding another device or if you don't have a home telephone service, then you can connect yourself with someone using the several skills that can help you in an emergency. Still, none of the above are regarded as 911 emergency services.

Ask My Buddy

This skill is not considered an alternative for 911. But, if you add this skill & establish new connections & contacts, you can guide Alexa by giving vocal commands & the people you select will be notified by-

  • Text
  • SMS
  • Email
  • Voice Phone Calls

To access the best of services from Alexa, you have to enable the Ask My Buddy skill for Alexa. 

My SOS Family Skill

The people connected to the network don’t need an app when you utilize this skill. This means that you do not need to call 911. Once a user sets up his/her account with My SOS Family, he/she can add an innumerable number of contacts for getting in touch with emergency issues. The contacts will receive text/SMS, email, & voice phone calls.

So, above were the guidelines on how to make Alexa Call 911. Hope this article helps you.

  • lay  Published by: Peter
  • lay  Brand: Amazon Alexa
  • lay  Last Update: 3 months ago