How to Pair a Samsung Remote to a TV?

Although Pair a Samsung Remote to a TV with your recently purchased Samsung TV is meant to happen automatically when you initially receive it, you can also do it manually if necessary. Using this manual connection process is an option if you're getting a new remote or want to attach your Samsung Smart Control to another Samsung TV.

Step 1: Turn on your Samsung TV using the power button on the TV or a remote that’s already paired.

Step 2: Locate the remote control sensor on the TV—it's usually on the lower right side, but it may be on the bottom center—and point your remote at it.

Step 3: On the remote, press-and-hold the Return and Play/Pause buttons simultaneously for at least three seconds.

Step 4: Watch the screen for a successful pairing message. Your TV or remote control may display a green circle or say Pairing Complete, depending on what model it is.

Should My Samsung Remote Continue to Failing to Pair?

To ensure that your remote is truly delivering an infrared (IR) transmission to your TV, check to see if it is pairing and whether your TV is displaying an error message.

Even though your remote's infrared signals are undetectable to the human eye, they will appear in the phone's camera app.

Here's how to confirm that the IR signal is being sent by your Samsung remote:

  • Launch your phone's camera app.
  • In order to see the leading edge of the controller in your camera app, point it towards your phone.
  • Hit one of the remote control's buttons, such as the volume or power button.
  • lay  Published by: Mark
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  • lay  Last Update: 3 months ago