How to Reset Vivotek Cameras using Hardware Reset Button?

Reset Vivotek Cameras using a Hardware reset button like routers and other network hardware. You can restart the camera or return the settings to their factory defaults by pressing the reset button. 

Holding the reset button for more than five seconds can reset the camera's standard options if you've forgotten the root (administrator) password.

Step 1: Take the camera apart.

Step 2: The reset button location

Step 3: To return to factory defaults, press and hold the recessed reset button for at least five seconds.

Step 4: Vivotek cameras come with root / with no password, admin / 123456, or admin/admin as the standard login and password.

Step 5: You must assign the camera an IP address using a DHCP server because it lacks a default IP address.

  • lay  Published by: Peter
  • lay  Brand: Smart Devices
  • lay  Last Update: 2 months ago