How to Secure Your Alexa Device?

While adding a lot of ease and convenience to daily life, smart speakers are also associated to privacy issues. According to reports, Amazon workers can know your Alexa conversations and Google Assistant can read your mood based on your voice tone. That really sounds risky, right? So, if you are concerned about privacy, you should probably clear every bit of information to secure your Alexa device.

Are you aware of the fact that your Alexa device is always listening? What if a hacker gets into your device? Can you think what information your Echo is storing? Not just your computer or your smartphone has to be secured. Indeed, your Echo needs to be secured.

It's always important to understand where you place your device and what you say around it. This article guides you with the steps to better handle all the privacy issues and secure your Alexa device. In reference to Amazon smart speakers, the focus starts from the Alexa app itself. Let's get started with intuitive tips and tricks for device security. 

Note: Make sure that you have an Amazon smart speaker and login access to the Alexa app.

Essential Actions to Secure Your Alexa Device-

Secure Your Alexa Device

Delete Voice Recordings Every Day

  • The day Amazon launched the Echo Show 5, a new privacy feature was also announced that lets customers delete all their recordings from their Alexa device for a specific day.
  • Simply command, “Alexa, delete what I said today”. Subsequently, the Alexa-enabled device deletes your daily voice recordings. By performing this action, you can clean out all your Alexa recordings before bed.

Clear Voice Recordings History

Optionally, you can delete your past recordings inspite of deleting them daily. To delete the stored archive, open Alexa app and navigate in the order: Settings >> Alexa Account >> History. Lastly, you can delete all of your past recordings to secure your Alexa device.

Switch Off Microphone and Camera When not in Use

While some users stay worried about a random creep hacking into their Echo device and listening to them. They think that someone might be watching them through an Echo device that has a camera. So, to minimize this risk, you can turn off your microphone if you are not using your Echo. Press the microphone on/off button positioned at the top of the device, and Alexa stops listening.

Additionally, you can turn off the camera for all Alexa devices using your voice (say, “Alexa, turn camera off”), or via Settings >> Device Options. Here, you can turn off the Enable Camera option.

Be Careful While Placing Alexa Devices

Another tip to secure your Alexa device is to avoid placing your Echo near a window or at location that’s easily accessible from outside your home. Other than reducing the risk of someone accessing your Echo from outside, this also cuts down the risk of outsiders listening to your calls and other Alexa interactions.

Change Alexa Wake Word

Luckily, you can even change your wake word to a word you usually use in conversation. Also, ensure that your wake word doesn’t sound too similar to other frequently used words in your conversation. Like if you have a friend named Alexis, Alexa doesn’t start recording your conversations as you say your friend’s name.

For changing your wake word, simply command, “Alexa, change the wake word,” or you can launch the Alexa App. Then navigate to the options: Devices >> Select your Device >> Select Wake Word >> Select a new wake word from the list >> Select OK.

Set a Strong Amazon Password and Two-Factor Authentication

Sometimes, users forget that their Alexa devices are secured or protected with their Amazon password. What if someone has hint to your Amazon password? Consequently, they can access your Alexa recordings, your other smart devices like security systems and cameras, your daily routines, the access to make purchases, and much more.

As per the Digital Trend’s reports by the U.K.’s National Cyber Security Center (NCSC),  23.2 million of breached accounts had the password “123456.” However, if you are doing the same mistake of using a weak password, or using the same password for multiple accounts, you must think about the risk of your password security.

Hike Your Network Security

A robust home network is the key to secure your Alexa device and other smart home devices as well. Straightaway, you need to have a strong network password. Also, you must avoid using default passwords, giving your password to friends and neighbors (use a “guest” network instead). If possible, you should use a two-factor authentication instead.

So, read this article faster to secure your Alexa device from various hacks.

  • lay  Published by: Mark
  • lay  Brand: Amazon Alexa
  • lay  Last Update: 3 months ago