How To Stop Kodi Buffering?

While you are steaming your favorite show or a movie, buffering really ruins your mood and you wouldt want that to happen anytime. Here we are going to give you the solutions to Stop Kodi Buffering and make your streaming experience better and faster. 

However at times, only resetting and restarting your device resolves the buffering issues as it will help you to erase all your unwanted add-ons and apps that can result in the slowing down of the software. The other simpler way to stop kodi buffering is to uninstall and then reinstall it again.

Visit also this blog : Kodi One Or More Items Failed To Play

Stop or Fix Kodi Buffering Using Advanced Settings File-

  • To avoid the buffering make sure that you are using an up-to-date add-on with plenty of sources and scrapers. Here’s your step by step guide to Stop or fix kodi buffering using advanced settings file.
  • Firstly, launch Kodi and then click on the “settings” icon.
  • Now go to the “file manager” and then hit the “Add source” option.
  • Next, click on , and Type the following URL exactly how it is listed here – and click OK
  • Under the source that you just typed in, Highlight the box and enter a name for this media source, enter xanax or change to any other name you would like to label this source as and then click OK.
  • Following that, on your remote or keyboard click on the back button in order to  get back to the system page and then hit the “Add ons” option.
  • Select the “install from zip file” option and then on the next step, click xanax or other name that identifies the media source.
  • Click and Wait until you receive a Xanax Repository add-on installed message on your screen.
  • Next, click Install from the repository and then select Xanax Repository.
  • Click Program Add-Ons and choose Xanax Wizard.
  • Now hit the “Install” button and wait until you receive a Xanax Wizard Add-on Installed message on your screen.
  • Return to the Kodi home screen and click on Xanax Wizard under the add-Ons option and then on “Maintenance”.
  • Click System Tweaks/Fixes and then select Quick Configure AdvancedSettings.xml.
  • Lastly, you will have to Adjust Video Cache size to Maximum MB and then click on “Write File”.

Stop Kodi Buffering Using Real Debrid Unrestricted Downloader

  1. On the Real-Debrid website, you will have to register for a free account and enjoy a free trial prior to paying for a premium account.
  2. Following that, Install a 3rd party Kodi addon like Elysium or Exodus to make sure that the URL resolver is installed.
  3. On the Kodi home page, Click the gear icon that will take you to the settings page.
  4. Click System settings icon and then Scroll down to bottom and change standard settings to Expert.
  5. Hover over the Add-ons menu item on the same screen and then click Manage Dependencies link on right side of screen.
  6. Next, Click on the URL Resolver and then on configure.
  7. Highlight Universal Resolvers and on the right-hand side of the screen go to the Real-Debrid within the section .
  8. Following that Change Priority from 100 to 90 and then click the OK button to save changes.
  9. Click Configure again.
  10. Again, Highlight Universal Resolvers and go to the Real-Debrid settings again.
  11. Click (Re)Authorize My Account and input code provided into the Internet browser on computer, tablet, or phone at
  12. Lastly, once the pairing is successfully completed, dialog within the kodi will disappear.

Stop Kodi Buffering Using VPN

Many times buffering in kodi appears due to the throttling of your ISP (Internet service provider) and Stop kodi buffering using VPN is the best solution if that is the case. By doing this, you are creating an encrypted connection to the Internet, making it impossible for your ISP to know what you are streaming. Using a VPN would really improve your streaming experience making it better and faster because you will be routed to a different server. 

In the case of VPN, you allow your ISP to sell your data and traffic logs to the third parties. As VPN restricts them from seeing what you are streaming or what Kodi addons you are accessing.there are a few VPN applications available, you can choose the one you prefer and go with it to Stop kodi buffering using VPN.

Clear Kodi Cache to Stop Kodi Buffering

It is one of the best and easiest ways to stop kodi from buffering. Within the One Nation Portal is a Cleaning Tool that works wonders to help delete and remove unwanted files/folders/etc.If you do not have the One Nation Portal installed on your Kodi device, use the instructions outlined above in Method 1 to do so. Here are the steps below to Clear Kodi Cache and Fix Kodi Buffering.

  • Go to the Kodi home screen and under add-Ons option, click on the Xanax Wizard.
  • Next, click on “Maintenance” and then on “cleaning tools”.
  • Hit the “clear cache” option and Click Clear Cache again.
  • Click Total Clean Up (You can also select Total Clean Up which will also help with playback within Kodi to completely clean your device).
  • Lastly, click on “Clean All”.

We hope the above article helped you to Stop Kodi Buffering.

  • lay  Published by: Jorg
  • lay  Brand: Smart Devices
  • lay  Last Update: 2 months ago