How to Troubleshoot Floureon CCTV Camera?

There is a strong likelihood that the DVR box or the observation techniques can't receive a video signal if Troubleshoot Floureon CCTV Camera will not display any images and all you see is a black screen. Check the instructions underneath to make sure.

Floureon CCTV Camera No Video Signal

First and foremost, ensure the power connectors or cables are plugged in and in good condition. Check that the external power brick on your Floureon CCTV camera is functional if it has one. Try using a test cord and power source to turn on your CCTV camera, whether you have access to the same tools.

Assess the fuse box if your Floureon CCTV camera is linked to the mains or if it is linked via a CCTV power supply with just a fuse box.

If your camera supports PoE, make sure that the camera is receiving power by checking the PoE switch.

Troubleshoot Floureon CCTV Camera

Check the Video or Data Connectivity on Your Floureon Camera

If your CCTV camera is on and you can't see anything, it's conceivable that videos are also not reaching the monitor.

Check the cord and connector on both ends if the camera is connected to a DVR box. Ensure they are intact and properly plugged in. In this instance, a CCTV test monitor could be useful.

Check the network settings to see if your camera is IP-enabled. If the Floureon camera is connected, look for damage to the cable, including connections.

Verify any other network or visual hardware. Check the functionality of any network switches, routers, DVRs, and video multiplexers your Floureon CCTV camera links to.

Verify the CCTV Software

Using sophisticated video surveillance technology, you can disable some cameras' access or password-protect some streams. Check whether you can see the stream you're searching for if that is the case.

Assess the Floureon Camera for Any Damage

Troubleshoot Floureon CCTV Camera

The lane comes to an end here. It's important to double-check that the camera is in functioning condition if it has been turned completely on and that there are no connection problems.

Verify that the optical path is unobstructed and that lens and any protective domes are in excellent condition. The next best option is to contact the manufacturer for technical support if the camera shows no obvious damage symptoms.


Please note that username "admin" is the default setting for all DVR accounts. There is no password for this option. While logging in for the first time, a password is not required. Your account will be locked if you enter an incorrect password repeatedly for security reasons.

You may lock your account by entering passwords repeatedly if you've already updated and forgotten them. After that, you can get an unlock code by contacting customer service. You can clear your DVR account with this.

  • lay  Published by: Peter
  • lay  Brand: Smart Devices
  • lay  Last Update: 1 month ago