How to Turn on Samsung TV without a Remote?

Apart from smartphones, Samsung has manufactured many Smart TV. The new models have been designed with the inclusion of the latest features and technologies. Samsung smart television sets are available in different specifications, prices, picture specifics, and sizes.

It does not matter which Samsung TV model you are using, you can operate it using a remote controller. With the use of that remote, you can access playback settings, adjust volume, and select channels. In case you have lost your Samsung TV remote or it is damaged, then you must search for solutions to solve that problem.

The best solution for you would be to power on your Samsung Smart TV without a remote. Like other television sets, you can power on your Samsung TV from TV only. If you want to get more information about the same, then look below.

Does Powering on Your Samsung TV without Using Remote Work?

Turn on Samsung TV without a Remote

This thing works with most of the TV models. Samsung TV also enables a user to turn it on without using a remote control. There can be several reasons why you may have to power on your Samsung TV without using a remote control. You may need to do it because your remote device is missing or because remote batteries aren't working anymore.

When such a thing happens, then you need to turn on your Samsung smart TV without a remote control. Nevertheless, how you turn it on totally depends on the model that you are using. You may also find some limitations as you turn on your Samsung TV without a remote.

The Process to Power on Samsung TV without a Remote

To be able to power on your Samsung TV, you must use a control button which is also known by the name of Jog Controller or Control Stick. This button can be found on the front, middle, or back of your Samsung TV.

With the use of this Jog controller, you can power on your Samsung TV and access your Menu, Settings, Smart Hub, etc. The vital thing that you need to search for is the Jog Control button.

Did you ever see a red light while your TV is receiving power? If yes, then that is the place where the Control button is located. Or else, you can take a look at the device manual and see where it is actually located.

Look at the Samsung TV Back

Turn on Samsung TV without a Remote

Usually, the Controller button is located at the back of your Samsung TV. It can be used for navigating up, down, right, or left.

  • Press the center button for a long duration as this will turn on your Samsung TV.
  • If you press the center button, it will help you select and then you will be able to select an option.

Check the Front of Your Samsung TV

The TV Controller button can also be located in the middle of your Samsung smart TV. You can see it located in the front part of your Samsung TV.

There, you are going to see 5 buttons. Press the button in the center for a long duration and you will be able to turn on your Samsung smart TV.

  • lay  Published by: Blaze
  • lay  Brand: Smart Devices
  • lay  Last Update: 2 months ago