How to Update Firestick to the Latest Software?

Every Amazon Firestick user likes to witness his Amazon Firestick functioning properly in a bid to have an extremely satisfying experience while using Amazon Firestick. For this to take effect, you must check for and update your Amazon Firestick to the latest software regularly.

How to Update Firestick to the Latest Software

Why updating Amazon Firestick with the latest software becomes so significant is primarily because of different value-added features that Amazon keeps adding different to the existing structure of the utility running your Amazon Firestick.

Also many a time, your Amazon Firestick may suffer from frequent buffering largely because of the older Firestick interface. So, to have an enriching user experience free from any technical glitches, follow the below-mentioned 5-step process to update Firestick to the latest software.

View or read this article : Watch StreamEast On FireStick

Update Firestick to the Latest Software -

Step 1 - Simply go to the main menu and place the pointer on top of the Settings option. Subsequently, scroll towards the right to find the “My Fire TV” option. Now click on the My Fire TV option to take the process forward.

Step 2 - As soon as you click on My Fire TV, a complete list showcasing different options will get displayed, just navigate through to find and select the “About” option.

How to Update Firestick to the Latest Software

Step 3 - After clicking on “About” for installing updates, the system will automatically find new updates, and if there happen to be any pending updates, your system will restart.

How to Update Firestick to the Latest Software

Step 4 - You may have to wait for a few minutes while the latest set of updates is being installed.

Step 5 - After the updates are successfully installed, your Firestick will start rebooting. If rebooting doesn’t restart you can cause it to reboot by pressing the play/pause button for 5 seconds.

Please do note the above-mentioned user-friendly guide is absolutely meant for users who are already using Amazon Firestick. You can carry out the above-mentioned similar process in case of any new Firestick that is required to be installed for the very first time as well.

  • lay  Published by: Jorg
  • lay  Brand: Smart Devices
  • lay  Last Update: 2 months ago