Troubleshooting Insufficient Power Issues with Ring Video Doorbell Pro?

From inconsistent shutting down to dysfunctional night vision features to losing power connection briskly, all indicate power issues with your Ring Doorbell Pro that needs to be fixed with caution. Here is a quick walkthrough that prescribes a couple of ways to troubleshoot power issues with Ring Video Doorbell Pro.

Initially, you must opt to bypass your Ring doorbell with indeed the most effective Pro Power Kit V2 that can certainly take care of any persisting power issue. In case the bypass method doesn’t work efficiently you can alternatively resort to upgrading the transformer to the 16 Volt AC/30 VA 50/60 Hz rating as it will help restore a consistent power supply in all likelihood.

Here you will find the list of the most common insufficient power issues with Ring Video Doorbell Pro symptoms that people face.

Ring Doorbell not Getting Enough Power Symptoms:

  • Consistently losing connection to your wifi network.
  • Pause or shutting down during the ringtone sound after a button press.
  • Voltage review inside Device Health steadily drops during the evening with night vision on.
  • Consistently shutting off (the white light on the front will turn off).
  • Pause during a live event.
  • Not ringing your existing internal doorbell correctly.
  • Night vision doesn't work.
  • Ring Pro works well for a couple of events and after that stops working.

Your Ring Pro needs a power source that provides a minimum of 16 volts AC at ~20 volt-amps when connected directly to a transformer, plug-in adapter, or ~30 volt-amps when used with an internal doorbell.

Troubleshooting Insufficient Power Issues with Ring Video Doorbell Pro

To verify the voltage of your Ring Pro, open the Ring app, choose your Ring Pro, and click on Device Health. In order for Ring Pro to function properly, the voltage requires at least 3,700mV. In case the voltage is below that number, device practicality will be impaired.

Note: The voltage review in Ring Device Health equals the level of charge.

Note: Voltage more than 4.05 V can reduce the life of the device.

Note: Same if your power source provides 16 volts AC or greater, endurance in your wires often because of outrageous length or measure of the wires can keep Ring Pro from getting enough power to function.

Just in case your existing doorbell transformer is evaluated on less than 16 volts AC, you will need to update it to a larger voltage to maintain Ring Pro. In this job, they request a licensed electrician.

The Ring Pro is Getting Insufficient Power, How do I Fix It?

ring doorbell not getting enough power

The answer based on whether or not your Ring Pro is hooked up to an internal doorbell chime or not. If you have an existing bell, you will have to see that your Pro Power Kit is properly installed.

If you supply power to your Ring Pro with a doorbell transformer but are not using an internal doorbell, you will have to install a Pro Power Cable. Both cases are detailed below:

My Ring Pro is Connected to an Existing Doorbell Chime

If your Ring Pro is connected to an existing bell, you need to check and make sure that your Pro Power Kit is properly installed.

My Ring Pro is not Connected to an Existing Doorbell Chime

In case your Ring Pro is hooked up instantly to a doorbell transformer, with no internal doorbell chime, you will have to contact Ring Community Support and ask for a free Pro Power Cable.

If these things happening and you suppose that you are having a power issue, follow these guidelines:

  • Go to the Ring app and click your Ring Doorbell to open its settings screen.
  • Tap the Device Health tile.

Take a look at the voltage reading. If it reads ‘Good’ or ‘Very Good’ then your Ring doorbell is getting enough power and you will need to find another reason for your issue. If the voltage reads as ‘Poor’ or ‘Very Poor,’ then it's likely that low power is the cause of your issue.

ring doorbell not getting enough power

Resolving Ring Doorbell Voltage Issue

The most common fix for Voltage issues with Ring Video Doorbell Pro is bypassing your doorbell with a Pro Power Kit V2.

In case, the bypass method doesn't resolve your power problems or you don't want to bypass your doorbell mechanism, look at upgrading your transformer.

Once purchasing a transformer, we suggested selecting one with at least 16 volts AC and at least 30 volt-amps (40 VA max) and 50/60Hz.

Never use a halogen or garden-lighting transformer or a DC power supply.

ring device health voltage

To Sum it Up

With all the following information on how to fix Power issues with Ring Video Doorbell Pro. Here you will also learn the insufficient power symptoms. I hope this post will help you.

  • lay  Published by: Mark
  • lay  Brand: Ring Doorbell
  • lay  Last Update: 3 months ago