What Is Super Alexa Mode and How Do You Activate It?

Have you heard about Super Alexa Mode but having no idea about what's that? Well, Super Alexa Mode is a kind of Easter egg for Amazon's Alexa voice assistant enabled devices. The core of this guide is to give an understanding of how to activate Super Alexa Mode and the origination history behind this command.

Amazon has launched Alexa as a multi-utility tool that is created for the purpose of sorting and making things convenient for users. This means that you can absent-mindedly use for everything.

Whether it's queuing up a song, ordering more toilet paper, or checking the weather forecast, the final goal is to set up a one to one relationship with Alexa. As a part of building a relationship and keeping things afresh, Amazon has packed Alexa with little Easter eggs. Super Alexa Mode is one that is referred to in this blog.

What do You Understand by Super Alexa Mode?

what is super alexa mode

Super Alexa Mode is known to be one secret program coded into Alexa by Amazon's developers. Based on the Konami code, this is one of the popular cheat codes outsourced by a team of video game developers and publisher Konami.

Moreover, the code appears to be the front face in dozens of famous titles including the Contra and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series of games.

Above all that, everyone is curious to know and ask voice assistants funny questions to see how they respond. Therefore, it was inevitable gamers would try and implement their creative Konami code on Alexa based devices.

Subsequently, Amazon moved a clever step in anticipating such queries, so they came up with witty responses to the questions. Thereby making users laugh over the responses.

What does Super Alexa Mode Code Mean?

super alexa mode code

In order to activate Super Alexa Mode, simply say, "Alexa, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start."

In turn, Alexa will reply with, "Super Alexa mode, activated. This starts the online reactors, hence enabling advanced systems, online. Raising dongers. Error. Dongers missing. Aborting."

Basically, the command refers to all the buttons that the user presses on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) controller to activate the code in specific video games. A point to note that Alexa never responds or references any particular game or meme.

You can say that it's just a trick to make gamers think that they have discovered something special. Unfortunately, Super Alexa Mode doesn't allow Alexa with its new capabilities.

What does Konami Code Mean?

super alexa mode

Originally, the Konomi code that Super Alexa Mode is referencing was not made for the experience of normal gamers.  to experience. Though it was popularized by 1988’s Contra for the NES. But as per the Dmarket, it first originated in 1986s Gradius when developer Kazuhisa Hashimoto gave the code for playtesters.

By entering the “Konomi code” and pausing the game, playtesters could benefit from every power of the game. Thereafter when Gradius released, Konomi found that the code was still included. So, in spite of taking the risk of breaking the game by removing it, they left the title unmodified.

Gradually, after some time it turns into something of an Easter Egg for gamers, which is a secret to share with others in the run. This was probably because of Gradius’ punishing difficulty.

Later, Konami accepted the popularity of the code and its usefulness for playtesters. Hence started including with other games as well. In fact, the popularity grew with Contra, which is the reason why people refer to it as the “Contra Code”.

What is the Purpose of Super Alexa Mode?

what does super alexa mode do

Obviously, Super Alexa Mode tends to make the gamers laugh with amazing answers in response to their weird questions. However, this mode doesn't affect the change in any state of your Amazon Alexa Voice Assistant devices. You can keep Super Alexa Mode on Amazon Alexa Device activated or deactivated.

So, you can turn off Super Alexa Mode as desired. Additionally, one thing you need to know is that you can even use Super Alexa Mode on your Amazon Alexa App in case you don't own an Alexa Device.

Frankly speaking, Super Alexa Mode doesn't serve any purpose apart from gamers giving a laugh. Like it doesn't change anything about or on your device, so you don't need to "deactivate" Super Alexa Mode for your devices.

  • lay  Published by: Blaze
  • lay  Brand: Amazon Alexa
  • lay  Last Update: 3 months ago