Why Eufy Doorbell Wont Connect To Wifi?

Having a Eufy doorbell mapped to the WiFi brings in the facility of keeping an eye on your home’s entrance especially when you are away from your home and wish to be vigilant about as to who is trying to enter your home, but many a time your Eufy doorbell won’t connect to WiFi due to a variety of reasons ranging from your router’s frequency band set as 2.4GHz to your Internet Service Provider blocking the traffic by utilizing P2P protocols which require you to have some proper fixes in a bid to successfully address the Eufy doorbell won’t connect to WiFi issue.

Friends, I also witnessed the issue of the Eufy doorbell won’t connect to WiFi with my Eufy doorbell when I wished to access the live feed of my Eufy doorbell being away from my home which I got fixed eventually just by connecting my Eufy doorbell with WiFi on the required 2.4GHz band.

In due course of fixing the Eufy doorbell won’t connect to WiFi issue, I came across the fact that there were a couple of ways to fix the Eufy doorbell won’t connect to WiFi issue which I would like to share by means of this quick user guide. So, just have look at this comprehensive guide that aims to fix the Eufy doorbell won’t connect to WiFi issue.

Why Eufy Doorbell Wont Connect To Wifi

Understanding the Causes of the Eufy Doorbell won’t Connect to WiFi Issue

Before moving ahead to discuss several ways of fixing the Eufy doorbell won’t connect to WiFi issue here is a walkthrough as to what are possible reasons for the Eufy doorbell won’t connect to WiFi issue.

1 - Your Router is not Set on the 2.4GHz Band

Your Eufy doorbell works well only on the 2.4GHz band and there may be a possibility that your router may be operating on a band other than the 2.4GHz band which may actually be causing the Eufy doorbell won’t connect to WiFi issue.

2 - Your Internet Service Provider may be Blocking the Traffic Using Different P2P Protocols

Many a time when you try to access the live feed from your Eufy doorbell your Internet Service Provider might not facilitate the transmission of data to you by utilizing the traffic blocking P2P protocols like BitTorrent, Gnutella, etc as a consequence of which you may be witnessing the Eufy doorbell won’t connect to WiFi issue.

3 - Your Router might not have been Configured Adequately

When you change your Internet Service Provider or at the time upgrading the hardware your router might not have been properly configured ultimately leading to the Eufy doorbell won’t connect to WiFi.

Feasible Solutions for Fixing the Eufy Doorbell won’t Connect to WiFi Issue 

1 - Make Sure that Your Router Operates on the 2.4GHz Band

Since the Eufy doorbell can transmit the live feed only if your router is transmitting signals only on the 2.4GHz band you must ensure that your router is operating on the 2.4GHz band.

At the same time, you must also make sure that if your router is capable of working on the dual router then the 2.4GHz band is enabled and that not many devices are hooked up with your router in a bid to keep receiving the seamless live feed.

You can also try to enter the password in the “Network Security Key” after going into the Settings menu if your Eufy-WiFi connection mandates punching in the password. You must also keep or fix your Eufy doorbell within the range of 30 feet from your router.

2 - Trying to Reset the Eufy Doorbell  

Another way to fix the Eufy doorbell won’t connect to WiFi issue is to reset your Eufy doorbell camera by holding the Eufy doorbell camera for 10 seconds at least and then trying to receive the live feed from the Eufy doorbell going forward.

3 - Checking the Channel of Your WiFi Network  

Quite often your Eufy doorbell may be operating on a different channel as a consequence of which there may not be enough signal transmitted by your WiFi router thereby causing the issue of the Eufy doorbell won’t connect to WiFi.

Step 1 - To actually check this you must first connect to the HomeBase followed by opening the Ring App.

Step 2 - Thereafter, you must go to the “My Devices option after going to the “Devices” option in the “Menu” section.

Step 3 - Now, choose the doorbell section followed by scrolling down under the Wi-Fi channel field to find the selected WiFi channel.

4 - Executing the Routine Troubleshooting with your Eufy Smartphone App 

Ensure that the latest version of the EufyHome app is installed and regularly updated. Alternatively, when you are using the iPhone then turn off the location for a while followed by rebooting your modem and router going forward.

  • lay  Published by: Blaze
  • lay  Brand: Smart Devices
  • lay  Last Update: 2 months ago