There can be a number of reasons responsible for your cooling not working on Honeywell Thermostat’s problem. The problem can occur because of thermostat wiring issue, compressor issues, issues with the furnace or heating system and problems with the thermostat device. If you want to know how to fix cooling not working issue on Honeywell Thermostat, then take a look at the steps below.
If your Honeywell thermostat’s cooling is not working, then mentioned below are the steps that you need to carry out to make the cooling function work.
Step 1: Check that the cool mode on your thermostat has been turned on. Also, ensure that the cooling point is lower than the room temperature reading.
Step 2: Take a look at your thermostat’s display to confirm that your thermostat has been set to the cooling mode. This is confirmed by a snowflake icon or “cool on” words. If the snowflake icon is blinking on the screen or the screen is displaying “wait” or “waiting for the equipment” word, then that means your device is in delay mode.
The delay so caused can be for more than 5 minutes. This 5-minute delay is a minimum off timer, which gets activated after the compressor gets turned off. This protects your cooling or heating equipment from getting damaged.
Step 3: After that, if your Honeywell Thermostat gives a call for cool, then check if the furnace cover is properly closed. Also, you need to ensure that the power switch of your furnace has been turned on.
Step 4: Verify that the circuit breaker switches have been turned on.
In case the above-mentioned steps don’t help you fix cooling not working problem on your Honeywell thermostat, then avail assistance from professional HVAC contractors.
If it is a recently installed Honeywell thermostat
1) Please ensure that the wiring is properly done after switching from an old Honeywell thermostat model to the new one.
2) If R and Rc terminals don’t have separate wires, then you must connect these terminals.
3) There are certain thermostat models in which this connection is made by using a slider switch, which has 1 wire or 2 wire setting and there are other models where this connection is made by using a jumper wire.
4) Please ensure that the thermostat is rightly configured for your system.
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